Dr. Tissot is a marine ecologist and professor living in a small coastal town in far Northern California. He is a third-generation Californian and has surfed for 40 years while living in California, Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii.

As a college professor he has taught and mentored thousands of students at the University of Hawaii, Washington State University, and Humboldt State University, over the last 30 years. He has taught over a dozen courses in marine biology, ecology, environmental ethics, and environmental policy.

As a scientist and explorer, Tissot has completed thousands of SCUBA dives and hundreds of submersible excursions across the coral reefs and deep seas of the Pacific. Through his research he has advocated for the conservation of marine resources through testimony and law creation. He has published 80 scientific papers and his research has been featured in major media including Scientific American, National Geographic, Smithsonian magazine, the Washington Post and several films. In addition to his scientific endeavors, Tissot (aka “Dr. Abalone”) also produces surfing videos on YouTube and blogs about surfing, marine biology, and environmental issues on BrianTissot.com. Songs of Thalassa is his first science fiction book and the first of three books in the Songs of the Universe series.

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